
Tuna, an Aphrodisiac

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tuna aphrodisiac

Tuna stars on plates in many popular ways, such as in sushi, seared, as a burger, or in the traditional tuna sandwich. Nutritionally, like all other oily fish, it is rich in calcium and B vitamins, both valuable in maintaining sexual health.

It is an excellent source of vitamin A, with over 30 percent of the recommended daily value in just a 3-oz. serving. Tuna also has a lot of B vitamins, such as niacin, B-1 and large amounts of folic acid which improves sperm quality. It also has vitamin B-6, which along with folic acid helps to prevent atherosclerosis.

Besides vitamins, tuna is also a great source of three main minerals. Three ounces of tuna provide almost 50 percent of the daily value for selenium, 20 percent for phosphorus and 10 percent for magnesium. Selenium has been linked to being helpful for prevention of heart disease and cancer, so this pumps up the nutritional value of eating tuna. Also, selenium and aid in sperm production and have been shown  to be beneficial in enhancing mood.

Other minerals are present in tuna in small amounts. A 3-oz. portion of tuna has about 4 percent of the daily value for iron, 3 percent zinc and 6 percent potassium. A bit of sodium is present at about 1 percent, and calcium is present at less than 1 percent of the recommended daily value.  It also offers omega-3 fatty acids, touted for their role in lowering cholesterol and promoting the production of sex hormones.

The Japanese, who shunned tuna until the mid-twentieth century, now consume an estimated fifth of the world tuna supply, In Japan, the tuna is often served raw as sashimi, a noted Japanese aphrodisiac.

In the year 2000, British scientists discovered that a blend of fish oil from tuna coupled with vitamin E aided in the friskiness of male pigs used as studs. (Early studies showed Prosperm, the name with which the oil blend was anointed, to increase both semen output and the quality of sperm.) The plan was to develop the product as a human dietary supplement. Unfortunately, makers were unable to eliminate one rather disturbing side effect: the product enlarged the pigs’ testicles by twenty percent.


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